Thumbnails to come, but for now, click the link below
Season 6, Episode 2, Friday is not the End
Season 6, Episode 3, Sing a Song of Praise
Season 6, Episode 4, Follow His Rhyme
Season 6, Episode 5, From The Notebooks
Season 6, Episode 6, God's Perfection
Season 6, Episode 7, Give it to God
Season 6, Episode 8, God Will Overcome
Season 6, Episode 9, We Are God's Children
Season 6, Episode 10, God's Love Has Won
Season 7, Episode 2, Jesus, Our Friend and Cornerstone
Season 7, Episode 3, Words of Hope
Season 7, Episode 4
Season7, Episode 5, Running With His Grace
Season 7, Episode 6, Jesus, My Proof Reader
Season 7, Episode 7, God's Poetic Love
Season 7, Episode 8, The Truth of his Word Reigns
Season 8, Episode 1
Season 8, Episode 2, The Cross and The Armor
Season 8, Episode 3, His Call, The Truth
Peter Foxwell Interview Part 1
Peter Foxwell Interview Part 2
Season 8, Episode 6, The World and God
Season 8, Episode 7, God's Open Door
Season 8, Episode 8, Let God Write The Song
Season 8, Episode 9, Believe
Season 8, Episode 10, 2gether we are 1
Let us Dance Together #81
Walking in the Light #82
God's Gift to Us, #83
Continuation of our Years, #84
The Poets Mind, #85
As he Leads, We Follow, #86
God's Melody, #87
The Color of God's Love, #88
Beware, Words From The Kitchen, #89
Let God Lead, Then Follow, #90
Raise Your Hand in Prayer, #91
The Poetic Challenge, #92
What God Gives Us, #93
Jesus Open My Eyes and Heart, #94
Where is God, #95
God's Days, #96
We are Missionaries, #97
The Lamb of God Who Saves us, #98
Remove The Door, #99
Not Perfect, But Willing, # 100
Not Perfect, But Willing, #100k
100, 10-10, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 4/20/2023) Today we are reading and discussing a poem about what God has offered us and 2 new poems written for today’s podcast. We’ll start with a poem from God’s Rhyme, on page 106. JOHN 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten...
Remove The Door, #99
100, 10-10, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 4/20/2023) Today we are reading and discussing a poem about what God has offered us and 2 new poems written for today’s podcast. We’ll start with a poem from God’s Rhyme, on page 106. JOHN 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten...
The Lamb of God Who Saves US, #98
98, 10-8, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 4/6/2023) Today we are reading and discussing 3 poems about Jesus, the Lamb of God, what He has done for us and the blessings that we receive as we receive as we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, lived on the earth as one of us, a life without sin, t...
We Are Missionaries #97
97, 10-7, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 3/30/2023) Today we will be discussion the call to missions in our lives. We are called to spread the gospel to the nations. THE MISSIONARY’S MISSION (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 65) Reflection on The Missionary’s Mission I got the idea for this poem on m...
God's Days, #96
96, 10-6, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 3/23/2023) Today we are going to follow up on Dave’s suggestion to read a specific poem. This poem has one of my favorite titles, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrowday. Sometimes I like to play with words and even make my own words. Yesterday, today and tomor...
Where is God? #95
95, 10-5, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 3/16/23) Last week I asked for prayers that God would answer a question: Should I read poems I have written and posted on Facebook about the times we are living in. My concern was the political content of some of the poems. And again, I am stating that i...
Jesus Open My Eyes and Heart, #94
94, 10-4, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 3/9/2023) Today, we will be reading and discussing 4 consecutive poems from God’s Rhyme. They are found on pages 5 through 11. My journey to salvation may sound unusual to some. I first had the desire to know Jesus and understand His love for me through ...
Jesus Open My Eyes and Heart, #94
94, 10-4, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 3/9/2023) Today, we will be reading and discussing 4 consecutive poems from God’s Rhyme. They are found on pages 5 through 11. My journey to salvation may sound unusual to some. I first had the desire to know Jesus and understand His love for me through ...
What God Gives Us, #93
93,10-3, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 3/2/2023) Revised 2/26/2023 Today we will be reading and discussing poems about what God gives us. AS ONLY YOU CAN (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 116) THE WONDER OF GOD’S WAY (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 182) Discussion: As I was putting together the show not...
The Poetic Challenge, #92
10-2, 10-2, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 2/23/23) Today we have poems about prayer and a poem competition that I think I lost years ago. The first poem is unpublished and was written in September of 2020. AN ANSWER TO PRAYER 9/19,20/2021, tcarter The next poem is also unpublished and was writ...
Raise Your Hands In Prayer, #91
91,10-1, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, Today 2 poems that could have been part of last week podcast. One about church and one about the Cornerstone. And 2 more unpublished poems. CHURCH IN THE SKY tcarter, 9/7,8/2022 Inspired by painting by Cynthia Gonzales CALM IN MY DAY 8/31/19, tcarter TRUST TO BE LEA...
Let God Lead, Then Follow, #90
Let God Lead, Then Follow, #90 Three poems today, one from each book. They all were inspired by thoughts of church. The first one is from God Still Rhymes, and is found on pg. 67. UNDER THE STEEPLE The second poem is from Living in God’s Rhyme, on pg. 152. THOUGHTS ON THE WAY TO CHURCH The next poem...
Beware, Words From The Kitchen, #89
89, 9-9, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 2/2/2023) Today we will be reading and discussing 3 poems from the Last Notebook, an unpublished manuscript from 2020. March 29, 2020 An interesting evening last night and an interesting morning today. Interesting, more like enlightening. The following po...
The Color of God's Love
88, 9-8, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 1/26/2022) Today we are going to follow up on a thought that came to me during last week’s podcast – Colors, In looking through poems I found 3 with the word color in the title. Unfortunately the last one I hoped to us is rather lengthy and I couldn’t bre...
POCF #87 God's Melody
Today we are reading and discussing poems from the first book, God’s Rhyme. The first two were written in the late 1970’s, when I first stated to fully understand God’s word and got to truly know Jesus and salvation. The third poem was written in 2014. MY SWEET JESUS (pg. 10) Make Melody to God is o...
As He Leads We Follow, #86
86, 9-6, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (1/12/2023) Today, 1 poem from God’s Rhyme & 2 recent ones. THE RETURN (God’s Rhyme, Pg. 38) Reflection: THE RETURN, a recurring theme. One I wish I didn't have to write about, but am glad that I can write about. No matter what I may do, God will always welcome me b...
The Poets Mind
85, 9-5, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 1/5/2023) Today we have a mix of poems. Three are poems written on the Notes app on my phone and one is from Living In God’s Rhyme. The theme that ties them all together is Jesus. BROKEN HEALING WORDS FROM A PRAYER The next poem is found on page 135 in Li...
Continuation of our years
84, 9-4, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 12/29/2022) Today we are going to talk about the new year and what it can and hopefully will mean for us. We’ll start with a poem that comes after the Christmas poems in God Still Rhymes. This poem was probably written in 2017 THE YEAR’S LAST THOUGHT (God...
God's Gift To Us, #83
83, 9-3, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (12/22/2022) Today, 2 Christmas poems from the unpublished manuscript, The Last Notebook and one from God’s Rhyme. THANK YOU JESUS MY CHRISTMAS WISH ONE CHRISTMAS DAYS Reflection: My view of Christmas over the years. We sent The Wonder of Christmas out as a Christma...
Walking In The Light #82
82, 9-2, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 12/15/2022 ) Poem added 12/11/22 Today we are reading and discussing 2 poems about walking with God and Living in His light. We are also reading a Christmas card poem that can be found in Living in God’s Rhyme. WALK WITH GOD WALK IN THE LIGHT The Christma...
Let Us Dance Together #81
Let us Dance Together We are back from our break We talk about the why, the rest,s the rethinking, the result and the praying. The. poems One Sunday in Church THE WONDER OF CHRSTMAS (GOD'S GIFT) Preparing for Christmas AS WE CLOSE IN PRAYER, MAY WE CONTINUE IN PRAYER Follow us on the Podopolo podcas...
S8 e10, 2gether We are 1, Today, more cell phone notes app poems
LIGR S8 E9 Believe
79, 8-9, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 10/20/2022) Today we will be reading more poems that were written at night on the notes app on my cell phone. LEAD ME 4 A.M. WEDNESDAY MORNING THE LETTER THE REWITTEN LETTER MY HEART IN THOSE TIMES PSALM 51:10 AS WE CLOSE IN PRAYER, MAY WE CONTINUE IN PRA...
LIGR S8 E8 Let God Write The Song
78, 8-8, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 10/13/2022) Today we will be reading and discussing poems about prayer and God’s rhyme written later at night, sitting on the edge of the bed on my cell phone. ONE AND THE NEXT DAY WORDS FROM A PRAYER HE IS THERE IN PRAYER AT NIGHT KNOWING TOMORROW THE RO...
LIGR S8 E7 God's Open Door
Today, poems about the joy of the peace of living our days with God in our lives, living in the promise and hope we have in Jesus. THE GATHERING LAMB (God’s Rhyme, pg. 110) BLESSED IS LOVE (God’s Rhyme, pg. 25) HIS GRACE (GOD STILL RHYMES, pg. 127) DRAW ME CLOSER (Living In God’s Rhyme, pg. 122) AS ...
LIGR S8 E6 The World and God post
76-8-6, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, (Scheduled 9/29/2022) Today we are going to read poems about and discuss man’s rebellion against God; what it has done and what we can do about it. BROKEN HEARTED (God’s Rhyme, pg. 141) I. The Promised Land II. God As Man III, The Days Anew IV, Yesterday And Today V....
Peter foxwell interview Part 2
Have you listened to Part 1 of Pastor Peter Foxwell's interview with Living in God's Rhyme Podcast? If not, hurry so you can listen to part 2 on Thursday. Hope you all enjoy the wisdom and knowledge given.
Living In God's Rhyme Podcast,Peter Foxwell interview Part 1
Peter Foxwell Interview, Part 1 Today we are going to share Part 1 of our interview with Peter Foxwell, the pastor of Cornerstone Church in Clyde, MI, just outside of Port Huron. This the church I attend. I have always found the parts of Peter’s story that I knew to be interesting. I also find his f...
LIGR S8 E3 His Call, The Truth
Recent poems, some written on my notes app an my cell phone, others written in a notebook or random piece of paper, and one on the computer. No set theme, only the theme of my wandering mind THE ROAD THE CALL THE TRUTH THE LETTER THE CHURCH THE MASK AS WE CLOSE IN PRAYER, MAY WE CONTINUE IN PRAYER F...
LIGR S8 E2 The Cross and The Armor
72,8-2, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS (Scheduled 9/1/2022) Today we are going to talk about taking up our cross and following Jesus. I was given a wooden cross that gave me the inspiration for today’s podcast. We’ll start with three times in The Bible Jesus tells those He is with to do this. THE CROSS OF ...
LIGR S8 E1, God's Inspiration
71, 8-1, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS (Scheduled August 26, 2022) Today we will be reading and discussing poems that were influenced by a picture or object that inspired me. THE CLOCK, THE TIME, OUR HOURS (God Still Rhymes, pg 7) WINDOWS TO GOD (God Still Rhymes, pg. 65) WHICHEVER WAY THE WIND WILL BLOW ...
Season 7, Episode 10, Our Light Through The Night
70, 7-10, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, Revised 8/13/22 (Scheduled August 19, 2022)Today we are reading and discussing my evenings before going to bed. I like to sit on the edge of the bed before I actually get into bed and write a short poem on the Notes app on my cell phone. Today we will be reading so...
LIGR S7 E9 The Gift of Faith
69, 7-9, SHOW NOTES & COPYRIGHTS, Today we are going to read poems and discus where faith leads us. All of the poems are from Living In God’s Rhyme. THE GENTLENESS OF FAITH (pg. 125) Reflection on The Gentleness of Faith I was led, or more likely I meandered, through four books before getting the in...
More to come soon.